Sofia, Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation informed that only two days are left until the Women’s World Cup. Tomorrow is the podium training of all 49 countries, which will be held at the BTArena Hall in Cluj-Napoka.
Bulgaria will be represented at the second edition of the World Championship for Girls by Elvira Krasnobaeva and Nikol Todorova in the individual race and ensemble girls consisting of Andrea Ivanova, Eva Emilova, Tsvetejoana Peycheva, Krasimira Ivanova, Gabriela Peeva and Vanessa Emilova. The podium of the Bulgarian Graces will be from 12.45 to 13.00.
During the event, the Azerbaijan team will conduct an official training shortly before 12:00. Italy and Israel will launch their podiums from 16.15 to 16.30, respectively. The host team will leave at 18.00.
Racing kicks off Friday, 7th July from 9.30 am with qualifying in the individual with hoop and ball combinations from Stream A. Bulgaria is in Stream B from 11.15. Elvira Krasnobaeva has starting number and starts the race with a hoop combination.
At 18.30, the World Championship for ensembles with five ropes and five ball combinations starts. The ensemble led by Christina Ilieva and Zhanina Ivanova is placed at number and begins with five ropes on Friday.
The leader of the delegation is BFHG Vice President Neviana Vladinova.
The kinesiotherapist Ivaylo Andonov and psychologist Prof. Tatiana Yancheva are part of the delegation. Judges for Bulgaria in this competition will be Filipa Filipova in the individual race and Hristiyana Todorova in the ensembles.