May 21 – a day dedicated to Tea lovers; International Tea Day

International Tea Day is being celebrated with the motive of raising awareness among people in regard to the long history and the deep cultural and economic significance of Tea around the world.  

May 21 - a day dedicated to Tea lovers; International Tea Day
May 21 - a day dedicated to Tea lovers; International Tea Day

Today, May 21, 2022, the United Nations observes World Tea Day, of which the resolution was adopted on December 21, 2019. 

What is the significance of the day? 


International Tea Day is being celebrated with the motive of raising awareness among people in regard to the long history and the deep cultural and economic significance of Tea around the world.  

The day entices the global attention of governments and citizens regarding the effects of the worldwide tea trade on workers as well as growers and has been connected to requests for price support and fair trade.  

The first-ever International Tea Day was marked in the capital city of the Republic of India – New Delhi, in the year 2005, followed by Sri Lanka in 2006. Several Trade Union Movements conduct Global Tea conferences on the day.  

Tea is a drink which is loved by everybody all across the globe and is widely consumed. 

Below are the quotes on International Tea Day: 

  • There is no better feeling than a cup of Tea and a good book on a rainy day. Happy International Tea Day.
  • Life is like a cup of Tea. It’s all in how you make it. 
  • Tea Time is the time to slow down, pull back, relax and appreciate and enjoy your surroundings.
  • There is something in the nature of Tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.
  • You can never get a cup of Tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. Happy International Tea Day to all lovers. 
  • A cup of Tea is a cup of peace. 
  • Tea is a beverage which not only quenches thirst but dissipates sorrow. 
  • A cup of Tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds. 
  • There is no problem on earth which can’t be solved by a hot bath and a cup of Tea.