Dryanovo and Tryavna invites tourists for holidays around Easter and St. George’s Day

With a rich festive program, Dryanovo and Tryavna, for the second consecutive year, send a general invitation to tourists to choose the area for the holidays around Easter and St. George's Day. More than 25 events are involved, with great variety. Here they are:

With a rich festive program, Dryanovo and Tryavna, for the second consecutive year, send a general invitation to tourists to choose the area for the holidays around Easter and St. George's Day. More than 25 events are involved, with great variety. Here they are:
With a rich festive program, Dryanovo and Tryavna, for the second consecutive year, send a general invitation to tourists to choose the area for the holidays around Easter and St. George's Day. More than 25 events are involved, with great variety. Here they are: (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

With a rich festive program, Dryanovo and Tryavna, for the second consecutive year, send a general invitation to tourists to choose the area for the holidays around Easter and St. George’s Day. More than 25 events are involved, with great variety. Here they are:
April 15, 2023 /Saturday/
11:00 am – “Let’s decorate an Easter egg in the museum.”
Location: Old School Museum, city. Try it
11:00 am – Easter concert with Gabrovo Orchestra
Location: Largoto Square, City Dryanovo
11:30 pm – Easter Mass

Location: ” St Archangel Michael” – Dryanovo Monastery, “St. Nikola, “Introduction of the Virgin” and “St. The Trinity ” – gr. Dryanovo
Location: ” St Archangel Michael, “St. “St George” Nikola ” – gr. Tryavna; “St. Elijah the Prophet – gr. Cry, babies;


April 16 / Sunday /
3 pm – Easter in Tryavna
– A fun program for children with animators and a charity Easter market featuring children from the Sunday School of the Trevna Spiritual Environment, the Flower Garden Association and Community Social Services

4:00 pm – Festive concert with the participation of children from DG Kalina, DG “Svetlina”, Sunday School, DG “Burborani” with Dr Maya Racheva and DG on Folk Singing with Dr Nikolina Kirilova
Organizers: Tryavna Municipality and Trevna Spiritual Environment
Location: Square in front of the Pencho Slaveikov 1871 Community Center, city. Try it
/ in bad weather – Multifunctional Hall “Draznovenie”, city. Grass/

April 17, 2023 /Monday/
10:30 am. – Community Easter holiday in the village. Inn

April 17th – 22nd
Let’s clean and renew together the tourist markings from Tryavna and Dryanovo to AIR Bozhentsi.
April 17 – 09:30 am Dryanovo – village. Kumanites – AIR Bozhentsi – Tryavna

April 22nd – 09:00 am. Tryavna /Ivy / – Dragon Hole Cave – AIR Bozhentsi
April 20 – 22 – Spring Fair in Dryanovo
Rides, moon park, kids’ parties.

April 20 – concert of Slavka Kalcheva;
April 21 – concert of Petya Paneva, winner of the Voice of Bulgaria in 2021;
April 22 – concert of Maria and Magdalena Filatovi;
Location: Largoto Square & Sq. “Liberation”, gr. Dryanovo
April 19, 2023 / Wednesday /

6:30 pm – Commemorative concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Docho Dochev with the participation of Euponica Chamber Choir, Yanko Mustakov Children’s School of Arts, Grigor Nikolov and Sofroni Minkov


Location: Pencho Slaveykov 1871 Community Center, city. Try it
April 20 – At the cinema in Dryanovo
4:00 pm – A Latte (Baby)
6:00 pm – “Cat in Boots” (children, 3D)
8:00 p.m. – Avatar (3D)
Location: Projections in the large hall of the development-1869 community centre, city. Dryanovo

April 20/Thursday/
5:30 pm – Exhibition dedicated to 147 from the April Uprising
Location: House of Economy, Town. Dryanovo

April 25 / Tuesday /
5:30 pm – Children’s play “Pippi Longstocking” – guest MDT “K. Kisimov” – Veliko Tarnovo
Venue: Auditorium of Maxim Rajkovich Secondary School, city Dryanovo

April 26 / Wednesday /
Reading Marathon – “Reading Will Not Go Away”
From 8 am to 8 pm in front of the central entrance of the development-1869 community centre, town. Dryanovo


April 27, 2023,/Thursday/
6:30 pm – “IMAGINE HOUSE #6” – theatre comedy by Orlin Dyakov starring Maya Bezhanska, Filip Avramov, Ivaylo Draganov, Yovko Kanev, Katerina Borisova, Tatiana Tsvetkova
Location: salon of the Pencho Slaveikov 1871 community centre, city. Try it

April 28 – April 30, 2023
Festival of Bulgarian wine varieties
Location: Square in front of the Pencho Slaveikov 1871 Community Center, city. Try it

April 29, 2023,/Saturday/
11:00 am – Folklore Festival “Spirit Alive, Root Healthy”
Location: Captain Grandpa Nikola Square, city. Try it
April 29th – 30th
National Sprint Rally Championship in Dryanovo

May 01 – Workshop for letters
Location: Zogaf Studio in the Economic House, town. Dryanovo

May 03 – May 07 2023
“Days of Wood Carving” and the Specialized Arts Schools in the town. Try it
With the special participation of wood carver masters from the twins of Tryavna. Brienz, Switzerland
Location: Captain Grandpa Nikola Square, NGPI Trevna School, Daskalova House Museum, Gabenski Gallery, city. Try it

May 06, 2023,/Saturday/
09:00 am – Holy Mass in honour of St. Martyr George the Victorious in Dryanovo Municipality and Tryavna Municipality
Location: ” St Archangel Michael” – Dryanovo Monastery, “St. Nikola and “Introduction of the Virgin” – city Dryanovo
Location: ” St George” – gr. Tryavna, temple holiday
10:00 am – St. George’s Day in town. Cry, babies
Folklore concert and holding a raffle to win the grand prize – St. George’s Lamb

Location: Ilinden Square, City Cry Babies
/in bad weather conditions – salon of Public Health Center “Probuda-1924” – city. Cry babies/
11:00 am – Festive concert “Favorite Bulgarian Songs.”
Location: Largoto Square, City Dryanovo