EU exports 20.1 billion euros COVID vaccines last year

According to the recently released data, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union imported a total of 7.8 billion euro COVID-19 vaccines and exported 20.1 billion euros vaccines during the previous year.

EU exports 20.1 billion euros COVID vaccines last year
EU exports 20.1 billion euros COVID vaccines last year

Europe: According to the recently released data, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union imported a total of 7.8 billion euro COVID-19 vaccines and exported 20.1 billion euros vaccines during the previous year. The data has been shared in the report of EU statistics agency Eurostat today, April 21, 2022. 

The COVID-19 vaccine imports are majorly received by Switzerland for 65%, followed by the United States at 29%, as per the report’s data. Meanwhile, the highest number of vaccines were exported to Japan (nearly 21%), followed by the United Kingdom at 14%, then South Korea – 6%, Turkey – 5%, Australia – 5%, Other Asian countries – 24%, Africa – 7%, North America – 6%, South America – 5%, and the other remaining states – 6%, the data further reveals. 


Eurostat adds that during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the states across the world took some restrictive regulations which had an “impact on the international trade”. 

Below is the list of the countries with the highest – Per capita imports of COVID-19 related products in 2021 shared by Eurostat: 

  • Belgium (4988 euro), 
  • Slovenia (3841 euro), 
  • Netherlands (2967 euro),
  • And Ireland (2386 euro). 

In terms of highest per capita values, Ireland stands at first with (12 621 euros), followed by Belgium (7431 euro), Slovenia (4038 euro) and the Netherlands (3934 euro). On the other hand, the lowest per capita values were recorded in the countries – Greece (445 euro), Poland (420 euro), Romania (371 euro) and Bulgaria (337 euro).  

Besides this, the European countries are among the nations with the lowest COVID-19 vaccination coverage rate. 

The international health agency – World Health Organisation is continuously reminding the general public to get themselves vaccinated against the deadliest virus as soon as possible. The organisation further informed that there had been a significant decline in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths reported at the global level, adding that the highest number of infections were reported in South Korea, with more than 972,000, France with over 827,000 and Germany, more than 769,000.Â