Plovdiv Municipality Launches Competition for School Projects: Deputy Mayor Unveils Details

Deputy Mayor Vlasimir Temelkov revealed the details of this exciting initiative, which promises to ignite a wave of enthusiasm among students and educators alike

While the overarching goal remains the same—to inspire creativity and ingenuity—the specific requirements and deadlines vary for each participating school
While the overarching goal remains the same—to inspire creativity and ingenuity—the specific requirements and deadlines vary for each participating school

In a bid to foster innovation and creativity within the educational landscape, the municipality of Plovdiv has officially announced a groundbreaking competition aimed at three esteemed schools within the region. 



Deputy Mayor Vlasimir Temelkov revealed the details of this exciting initiative, which promises to ignite a wave of enthusiasm among students and educators alike.


The spotlight shines brightly on three distinguished educational institutionsthe Mathematical High School, Kniaz Alexander I, and Patriarch Evtimiy. 


These schools, known for their commitment to academic excellence and intellectual prowess, have been selected as the focal points for this ambitious undertaking.


Deputy Mayor Temelkov, the driving force behind this initiative, underscored the importance of nurturing talent and fostering innovation within the educational sphere. 



“We believe that by empowering our schools to explore new horizons and embark on ambitious projects, we can unlock the full potential of our students and pave the way for a brighter future,” remarked Temelkov.


The competition, which invites students and faculty members to submit innovative project proposals, is set to kick off with a flurry of excitement and anticipation. 



While the overarching goal remains the same—to inspire creativity and ingenuity—the specific requirements and deadlines vary for each participating school.


For Kniaz Alexander I and Patriarch Evtimiy, the deadline for project submissions stands at a firm 30 days. 


However, recognizing the inherent complexities of the projects that may emerge from the Mathematical High School, Deputy Mayor Temelkov announced that the deadline for submissions from this esteemed institution will be extended accordingly.


But perhaps the most enticing aspect of this competition lies in the substantial prize fund that awaits the most promising projects. 


With an impressive allocation of funds earmarked for each school, the stage is set for a spirited display of innovation and excellence. 


Temelkov confirmed that the prize fund stands at 20,000 leva for the Mathematical High School, 15,000 leva for Kniaz Alexander I, and 10,000 leva for Patriarch Evtimiy—a testament to the municipality’s unwavering commitment to supporting educational initiatives.


As the competition gains momentum and excitement continues to build, students and educators across Plovdiv are gearing up to showcase their ingenuity and creativity on a grand stage. 


From groundbreaking scientific research to innovative community outreach projects, the possibilities are endless, and the potential for impact is immense.


With Deputy Mayor Temelkov at the helm, Plovdiv Municipality is charting a course towards a brighter, more vibrant educational landscape—one where innovation flourishes, creativity thrives, and students are empowered to reach new heights of academic excellence.


As the deadline for submissions looms on the horizon, all eyes are on the participating schools, eagerly awaiting the unveiling of their visionary projects that promise to shape the future of education in Plovdiv and beyond.


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