Bulgaria takes lead in International coalition to secure return of displaced Ukrainian children

This collaborative effort comes in response to a distressing crisis that has left over 19,000 children separated from their families, a situation exacerbated by Russia's actions that violate global conventions

Under the leadership of Foreign Advisor Dragomir Zakov, Bulgaria is actively joining forces with other nations to address the alarming plight of these displaced children
Under the leadership of Foreign Advisor Dragomir Zakov, Bulgaria is actively joining forces with other nations to address the alarming plight of these displaced children (Image Courtesy-Google)

A Humanitarian Endeavor Aims to Rectify Violations of Child Rights in Ukraine’s Occupied Territories

Sofia, Bulgaria: In a decisive move towards humanitarian intervention, Bulgaria has emerged as a critical player among 30 nations, forming a Coalition in Kyiv to facilitate the safe return of Ukrainian children whom Russia has forcefully displaced from the occupied territories. 


This collaborative effort comes in response to a distressing crisis that has left over 19,000 children separated from their families, a situation exacerbated by Russia’s actions that violate global conventions.

Under the leadership of Foreign Advisor Dragomir Zakov, Bulgaria is actively joining forces with other nations to address the alarming plight of these displaced children. 

The international community’s response to this crisis underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for coordinated efforts to protect the rights of vulnerable individuals.

Bulgaria’s involvement in this Coalition aligns with its commitment to Ukraine’s Peace Formula, where the nation is co-chair alongside Finland, addressing multifaceted security issues in the region. 

The proactive stance of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers reflects the country’s dedication to contributing to sustainable solutions and supporting Ukraine in its pursuit of peace.

Recent approvals from the Council of Ministers further solidify Bulgaria’s commitment to the Coalition, emphasizing the nation’s condemnation of the illegal adoption and disappearance of vulnerable children, which constitutes a dire breach of international law. 

The Coalition aims to bring attention to these violations and actively work towards the safe and swift return of children to their families.


The multifaceted security issues discussed within the Peace Formula are at the forefront of Bulgaria’s diplomatic efforts. 

By participating in this international initiative, Bulgaria is reinforcing its position as a responsible and compassionate global actor, standing against injustices and advocating for the rights of the most vulnerable members of society.

As the Coalition gains momentum, the world watches closely to see how this collective effort will impact the lives of the displaced Ukrainian children. 

The situation serves as a stark reminder of the importance of international cooperation in addressing crises that transcend borders and the shared responsibility to protect the rights and well-being of children caught in the crossfire of geopolitical conflicts.



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