Bulgaria: Culture Minister Krastu Krastev to open International UNESCO meeting in Plovdiv

The 11th International Meeting of the UNESCO Category 2 Centers working for the preservation of the living heritage of humanity will take place on September 5 and 6 in Plovdiv

The 11th International Meeting of the UNESCO Category 2 Centers working for the preservation of the living heritage of humanity will take place on September 5 and 6 in Plovdiv
The 11th International Meeting of the UNESCO Category 2 Centers working for the preservation of the living heritage of humanity will take place on September 5 and 6 in Plovdiv (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

The 11th International Meeting of the UNESCO Category 2 Centers working for the preservation of the living heritage of humanity will take place on September 5 and 6 in Plovdiv.

The forum is being held in Bulgaria on the initiative of the Sofia Regional Center – UNESCO, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Municipal Institute “Ancient Plovdiv“.


The event will be held in the Small Basilica of Philippopol. It will be opened by the Minister of Culture Krstu Krastev, Director of the Capacity Building Department at UNESCO Suzanne Schnutgen, Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv Plamen Panov, Director of the State Cultural Institute of the Ministry of Interior Snejana Yoveva-Dimitrova, Director of the Sofia Regional Center – UNESCO Irena Todorova.

The forum also marks the 20th anniversary of signing the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Experts from Algeria, China, Iran, Japan, Peru, the Republic of Korea, and the UAE will visit the Old Town.

During the working sessions, all the new trends in the field, the challenges faced by Category 2 centres, and strategically planned activities for international cooperation will be discussed.

During their visit, the delegates will visit the Episcopal Basilica of Philippopol, iconic places and events in the Old Town of Plovdiv, as well as the Regional Ethnographic Museum.

Annual meetings of the Category 2 Centers began in 2013. again in Bulgaria, Sozopol. The forums are then organized in Paris, Gueyang, Shiraz, and Algeria.

The aim of the regular meetings is to improve communication between the Centers and practical exchange between the network and UNESCO. Sofia Regional Center – UNESCO is one of the eight centres dedicated to preserving the global living heritage and is managed by an entirely Bulgarian team.