Gabrovo: Road Safety Commission held its first meeting chaired by Deputy Governor Daniela Marinova

Gabrovo, Bulgaria: 43 operations under the "Broad-Scope Control" method were conducted in the territory of Gabrovo District in the second quarter of 2023. Twenty-seven were severe accidents during the same period, and 83 were minor accidents with material damage

Gabrovo, Bulgaria: 43 operations under the
Gabrovo, Bulgaria: 43 operations under the "Broad-Scope Control" method were conducted in the territory of Gabrovo District in the second quarter of 2023. Twenty-seven were severe accidents during the same period, and 83 were minor accidents with material damage

Gabrovo, Bulgaria: 43 operations under the “Broad-Scope Control” method were conducted in the territory of Gabrovo District in the second quarter of 2023. Twenty-seven were severe accidents during the same period, and 83 were minor accidents with material damage.

This became clear at a Regional Committee for Road Safety meeting chaired by Deputy Regional Governor Daniela Marinova. In the second quarter of 2023, the transport and operation characteristics of road paving in the area have been improved.


Partial repairs were performed on five streets in the municipality of Gabrovo; new parking was built in the area of REMO “Etar”, and the one to the “Labor Bureau” – Gabrovo was repaired with vertical signalling and horizontal marking.

In the municipality of Sevlievo, a partial rehabilitation of the streets in the city and the municipal road network in the villages, road signs were replaced, and spotlights were installed for additional lighting on pedestrian paths with heavier traffic.

In the municipality of Dryanovo, there are asphalted streets in the district. k. “Success, as in the village. Yantra. New street lighting has been built in the district of Yantra and the city.

Preparing in the municipality of Tryavna, all pedestrian paths have been refreshed, the rehabilitation of streets with compromised zones has been carried out, as well as the repair of 2 streets under the project “Development of the Municipality of Tryavna through Improvement of Technical Infrastructure”.

During the meeting, the Deputy Regional Governor provided the opportunity to discuss initiatives to celebrate the Road Safety Week – September 16-22 and the European Mobility Week, which is being held during the same period.

They will be marked with a two-day event titled: “Auto-moto-bike: Unreasonably is not brave”, which will take place on September 16 and 17 in front of the Orlovets Sports Hall, Gabrovo. The event is organized by the Youth Center – Gabrovo with the assistance of the Regional Traffic Safety Commission.