Dryanovo: Construction of safe pedestrian crossing at Tsareva meadow interchange completed

Dryanovo, Bulgaria: The Dryanovo Municipality informed through its social media account that the construction of a safe pedestrian crossing at the Tsareva meadow interchange has been completed

Dryanovo, Bulgaria: The Dryanovo Municipality informed through its social media account that the construction of a safe pedestrian crossing at the Tsareva meadow interchange has been completed
Dryanovo, Bulgaria: The Dryanovo Municipality informed through its social media account that the construction of a safe pedestrian crossing at the Tsareva meadow interchange has been completed

Dryanovo, Bulgaria: The Dryanovo Municipality informed through its social media account that the construction of a safe pedestrian crossing at the Tsareva meadow interchange has been completed.

A new crossing has been built at the site, which has been closed for years, to provide residents in the area safe passage. According to the adopted capital program, the pedestrian crossing is funded by the own revenues of the Municipality of Dryanovo.


In addition to asphalt coating, the new elastic flooring in the construction of a crossing is added, which is supplied by the National Railway Infrastructure Company.

The barriers have been placed to change the direction of the pedestrian stream to force pedestrians to look in both directions. Barriers placed in this way will also impede the unregulated passage of cars.

During the construction of the crossing, the Municipality of Dryanovo installed LED lighting to ensure good visibility of the facility and the pedestrian routes after it. Three site video surveillance cameras have also been installed. The necessary indication poles and signs have also been installed.

The Municipality also emphasized that the long-awaited repair to remove the water piping network accident in the Rocket area began. This imposes a stop to the water supply on August 16, 2023, at 8:00 am in the following settlements: Dryanovo (except for the streets east of the street “But. Rashenov”), square.

Nikoevtsi and the villages of Gesha, Karaivantsa, Skalsko and Tsareva meadow. The water supply will be restored as soon as the repair works are complete.