Sofia: Simeon Stavrev accuses Metropolitan Municipality of failing to improve road safety

Sofia, Bulgaria: Simeon Stavrev member of the National Council of "Yes, Bulgaria", stated that the Metropolitan Municipality does not have a single camera to collect and submit information on the two most common traffic violations in Sofia - speeding and crossing a red light

Sofia, Bulgaria: Simeon Stavrev member of the National Council of
Sofia, Bulgaria: Simeon Stavrev member of the National Council of "Yes, Bulgaria", stated that the Metropolitan Municipality does not have a single camera to collect and submit information on the two most common traffic violations in Sofia - speeding and crossing a red light (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Sofia, Bulgaria: Simeon Stavrev member of the National Council of “Yes, Bulgaria”, stated that the Metropolitan Municipality does not have a single camera to collect and submit information on the two most common traffic violations in Sofia – speeding and crossing a red light.

He commented that there is another task in which the Metropolitan Municipality fails to implement its own program to improve road safety.


Simeon highlighted that on October 27, 2022, the SOS adopted a decision with a package of measures to reduce road violations, including a road safety survey at three busy intersections.

Simeon expressed that the mayor of transport of Fandakova was instructed to report to the Metropolitan Municipal Council every six months regarding the implementation of the measures.

He claims that the first report for the past six months has not been provided. In this regard, the municipal councillors from “Democratic Bulgaria”, Simeon Stavrev and Boyko Dimitrov, requested at the next regular session of the Metropolitan Municipal Council to be provided with a six-month report.

Simeon Stavrev specified that the Ministry of Interior and the Metropolitan Municipality are to blame for the road violations. He received a response from the Ministry of Interior that there are barely three stationary speed cameras in Sofia, and there are no more because the Ministry of Interior did not order more.

This sounds strange because it is clear to everyone that saturating the whole of Sofia with hundreds of cameras filming violators will be a significant reason for a reduction in accidents and mortality.

His colleague Boyko Dimitrov expressed surprise that Sofia Municipality has sent only 300 MIA violations within the city since the beginning of the year and only for riding in the bus lanes. The Interior Ministry has imposed sanctions on 97 of them.