Gabrovo: Thirteenth Shopski Naniz Folklore Festival to take place on June 9-10

The regional administration centre of Gabrovo reported that the thirteenth Shopski Naniz Folklore Festival will take place on 9,10 and June 11 this year

The regional administration centre of Gabrovo reported that the thirteenth Shopski Naniz Folklore Festival will take place on 9,10 and June 11 this year
The regional administration centre of Gabrovo reported that the thirteenth Shopski Naniz Folklore Festival will take place on 9,10 and June 11 this year (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

The regional administration centre of Gabrovo reported that the thirteenth Shopski Naniz Folklore Festival will take place on 9,10 and June 11 this year. 

The administration also informed that the festival will be organized at the Large Hall of the Ivan Vazov-1947 Community Center. The organizers of this festival are Organizers of the MFF “Shopski Naniz” are Kostinbrod Municipality, Ivan Vazov-1947 Community Center, city. 


Kostinbrod, “St” Community Center H. E. S. Cyril and Methodius-1890″, city. Kostinbrod and “Zarya -1914”, city. Kostinbrod, with the special assistance of all social centres in the territory of Kostinbrodd Municipality.

The primary objective of this festival is to popularize Bulgarian folklore and to preserve the folklore traditions and customs. It will help the administration to develop amateur folklore creativity and promote the study of folklore from the Shop Folklore region.

The participants in this festival are amateur groups and individual performers presenting authentic and processed dance, song and verbal and ritual folklore. All ensembles, schools and formations from Kostinbrod municipality participate in the festival outside the competition program. 

The Gabrovo administration also issues some rules for participation mentioned below-

  • The festival has a competitive character
  • A professional jury in the field of folklore evaluates performances. 
  • A separate request is submitted for each composition or individual performer. 
  • All requests from an organization may be within the stipulated time.

Additionally, the Gabrovo administration announced that from today until May 07, the annual Days of Wood Carving will be held in Tryavna. The official opening is on May 05 at 9.30 am on the square. “Captain Grandpa Nicholas”.

Demonstrations by students from the specialized art schools in the country, as well as presentations of exhibitions, are planned by the program until Sunday, May 7.


On St. George’s Day, the National High School for Applied Arts “Trevna School” celebrates its holiday. The day also honours the carvers. On May 6, the traditional procession of the masters, led by the icon of their patron Saint George, will also be held.