66% Bulgarian population supports development of Nuclear Energy

According to Evelina Slavkova, sociologist and co-founder of "Trend," 28% and 38% of Bulgarian society support the expansion of nuclear energy and 7% prefer to oppose atomic energy development, and only 3% oppose it entirely

According to Evelina Slavkova, sociologist and co-founder of
According to Evelina Slavkova, sociologist and co-founder of "Trend," 28% and 38% of Bulgarian society support the expansion of nuclear energy and 7% prefer to oppose atomic energy development, and only 3% oppose it entirely (Image Courtesy-bulgaria)

According to Evelina Slavkova, sociologist and co-founder of “Trend,” 28% and 38% of Bulgarian society support the expansion of nuclear energy and 7% prefer to oppose atomic energy development, and only 3% oppose it entirely.

24% of Bulgarian individuals remarked that they were unsure to decide whether the country should develop nuclear energy or not. Slavkova provided this information based on a sociological agency poll about the public expansion of nuclear energy in Bulgaria.


She stated that 61% of participants answered that the guarantee of energy security in both regular and emergency situations was the greatest advantage for society from the development of nuclear energy.

According to 41% of respondents, it enables Bulgaria to lead the region in electricity exports, which injects new revenue into the economy.

According to a study by the sociological organisation “Trend,” 31% of respondents said that the problem of spent nuclear fumes and radioactive garbage has not yet been permanently resolved, and 33% said they are unsure or are unable to make a decision.

The Ministry of Energy has outlined its plan for the growth of the energy sector, according to deputy minister of energy Iva Petrova. She emphasised the ministry’s commitment to a climate-neutral vision.

On the findings of the sociological agency’s research “Trend, she remarked, “Unquestionably, the results should be seen in development – where we were and where we are now.

It is important to examine a more thorough breakdown of the demographics of the respondents, “Petrova remarked. The deputy stated that she was astounded by the substantial support for expanding the Bulgarian nuclear power as well as the media’s role as a reliable source of information.