President Radev paid tribute to the Apostle of Liberty Vasil Levski on the 150th anniversary of his death. Flowers and wreaths were offered to his monument in front of the Vasil Levski Community Center Gorublyane.
Само сплотени под трибагреника можем да съхраним България, която Дяконът и възрожденците възкресиха и ни завещаха. Само с разум и солидарност можем да преведем страната през пожара на войната и кризите. Да я спасим от онези, които търгуват с интересите и достойнството й. pic.twitter.com/AMxuKGOxhS
— President.bg (@PresidentOfBg) February 19, 2023
While addressing Levski Community Center, he stated that Exactly a century and a half separated Bulgaria from when the Apostle of Bulgarian Freedom was hanged.
For these 150 years, Bulgaria has experienced a lot: rise, terror, triumphs and destruction, but the respect of the Bulgarians for Levski remained holy, and his words outlived the eras.
Levski has endured in Bulgarian history mostly because of his timeless insights. The emphasis is generally placed on his virtues when creating his picture. They unquestionably transform Levski into a genuinely adored citizen.
The Apostle is a fantastic national leader and organiser, above all. Like no other person in Bulgarian history, he forged a potent people’s organisation despite the totalitarian rule, despair, and dread of the enslaved people.
Levski is a brilliant politician from Bulgaria’s revolution. His well-understood and well-considered observations on the independence and self-reliance of the Bulgarian movement, which was growing amid the confusion of the “Eastern Question,” have an almost eternal significance in Bulgarian history.
President Radev further assert that the elements of today’s weather are devastating, they turn on Bulgaria, but the country has the strength to overcome. Thousands of Bulgarians with honest work and decent behaviour turn the time.
He said, “According to Levski’s great words. They do it quietly, day by day. We can only take the country through the fire of war and crises with reason and solidarity. Let’s save her from those who trade off her interests and dignity”.
“Only united under the tribagrenic can we preserve Bulgaria, which the Deacon and the revivalists resurrected and bewitched to us. Because, as Levski writes. Everything consists of our joint forces. Even the strongest element cannot stand against them. He believed him during his slave years. It is still true today”.