Borissov criticise Energy Minister’s decision to reduce coal electricity by 2025

Boyko Borissov, former Prime Minister and GERB leader, recently organised a press conference in which he stated that the official response of the Official Energy Minister makes it clear that the decision to reduce the capacities producing coal electricity by 2025 was taken solely by Assen Vasilev

Boyko Borissov, former Prime Minister and GERB leader, recently organised a press conference in which he stated that the official response of the Official Energy Minister makes it clear that the decision to reduce the capacities producing coal electricity by 2025 was taken solely by Assen Vasilev
Boyko Borissov, former Prime Minister and GERB leader, recently organised a press conference in which he stated that the official response of the Official Energy Minister makes it clear that the decision to reduce the capacities producing coal electricity by 2025 (Image Courtesy-Google)

Boyko Borissov, former Prime Minister and GERB leader, recently organised a press conference in which he stated that the official response of the Official Energy Minister makes it clear that the decision to reduce the capacities producing coal electricity by 2025 was taken solely by Assen Vasilev.

He highlights that no expert from the Ministry of Energy and BEH participated in the negotiation process with the EC, and there is no analysis of what such commitment would lead to.


Borissov strongly accused Vasilev as he claims that ️this harmful and dangerous commitment, taken alone by Assen Vasilev, is endangering the country’s national security and will further result in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, loss of revenue from electricity production and a 4% GDP.

He noted that there are violations of the legislation. Parliament decided to oblige the Council of Ministers to take all necessary measures to prevent the long-term termination of the functioning of the plants in the Marish Basin.

“They keep violating the constitution but now violating the decision of parliament. The one who breaks this law and allows it is called Assen Vasilev”, said the GERB leader.

He further explained that the damage from the Greek financial crisis and the covid pandemic was about 4% of GDP, and the damage from Kiro and Assen, along with the closure of the Marish Basin, was over 4% of GPA. The damage from their 6-month rule could equal years of covid crisis.

Borissov also explains that coal power plants are targeted against the lobbyist, illogically large and unprofitable battery projects; he mentioned that this is also expressed in the official response of the official energy minister and hopes that Bulgarian media will pay attention to it.

Former Prime also stressed that the only useful move at the moment is to act as quickly as possible and to oblige the official government to open a Recovery Plan to renegotiate Assen Vasilev’s commitment to close the plants in the Marishkiya Basin.

