Report: Last year 3200 individuals entered Bulgaria illegally

The majority of this number were the citizens from Syria (320), followed by Afghanistan (290) and then Turkey - 190. 

Report: Last year 3200 individuals entered Bulgaria illegally
Report: Last year 3200 individuals entered Bulgaria illegally

Sofia, Bulgaria: The European country’s administration has asked at least 1310 nationals to leave the country in the last year; during the last year. These nationals were not from the European states. 

The majority of this number were the citizens from Syria (320), followed by Afghanistan (290) and then Turkey – 190. 


Below is the full list of countries and total number of nationals who were asked to leave the country – 

  • Iraq (95), 
  • Morocco (65),
  • Iran (45), 
  • Algeria (25), 
  • Russia (20), 
  • Tunisia (20), 
  • Albania (20), 
  • Ukraine (15), 
  • Libya (15), 
  • Georgia (15), 
  • Nigeria (15), 
  • Kosovo (10), 
  • North Macedonia (10) 
  • Dominican Republic (10) 
  • Palestinians (15), 
  • Cuba (five), 
  • Vietnam (five), 
  • Jordan (five)
  •  and Nepal (five).

Although, in its report, the government has not highlighted the reasons behind expelling these nationals. Meanwhile, data shared by the Eurostat underlines that nearly 6180 individuals (From non-European states) were not permitted to enter the borders of Bulgaria in 2021. Of this overall number, the majority of individuals were rejected for not having a valid visa or residence permit (1555). 

On the other hand, the alert was issued against 1350 individuals, following which they weren’t allowed in the Balkan state. 

Complete list of individuals who have rejected entry and the reasons along with it –  

  • People who were considered to be a public threat – 1815
  • The purpose and conditions of the stay were not justified – 865
  • Individuals with fake travel documents – 5
  • Individuals with no valid travel document – 185
  • Individuals who have already stayed in the country for 3 months in a 6 month period – 185 
  • Insufficient means of subsistence – 220. 

The data of the report further reveals that the last year, at least 3200 non-European citizens were illegally residing in Bulgaria. This number witnessed an increase from 670 in the year 2020. Of this total number, 1255 individuals entered the borders of Bulgaria illegally.