Plovdiv Marks 146th Liberation Anniversary with Solemn Ceremony at Tsar Simeon Garden

The presence of Dr Stefan Shivachev, a distinguished historian and long-time director of the Regional History Museum in Plovdiv, graced the event

The juxtaposition of history and artistry created a unique atmosphere, resonating with the spirit of liberation that the city holds dear
The juxtaposition of history and artistry created a unique atmosphere, resonating with the spirit of liberation that the city holds dear (Image Courtesy-Google)

Plovdiv commemorated the 146th anniversary of its Liberation from Turkish rule with a pilgrimage to the monument of Dusho Hadzydekov.

Despite the ongoing renovation of the Donduk garden, where the monument to Captain Burago stands, the city came together in the Tsar Simeon garden for a solemn ceremony.


The presence of Dr Stefan Shivachev, a distinguished historian and long-time director of the Regional History Museum in Plovdiv, graced the event.

As the Military Brass Band played in the background, Troyan Gogov, an acclaimed Drama Theatre Plovdiv actor, took on the role of presenter for the occasion.

In his enlightening speech, Dr Stefan Shivachev delved into the historical significance of the liberation, underscoring the resilience and bravery of those who fought for the city’s freedom.

He eloquently highlighted the pivotal role played by Dusho Hadzydekov, whose monument served as the focal point for the pilgrimage.

Troyan Gogov, with his theatrical prowess, captivated the audience as he guided them through the ceremony, adding a touch of dramatic flair to the commemoration.

The juxtaposition of history and artistry created a unique atmosphere, resonating with the spirit of liberation that the city holds dear.

The relocation of the ceremony to Tsar Simeon Garden due to the ongoing renovation of the Donduk Garden did not dampen the spirits of the attendees.


A representative platoon, wreath bearers, and members of the Patriot Committee, along with officials, political and public organizations, the media, and enthusiastic citizens, all joined hands to pay homage to the city’s history.

The Military Brass Band, with their stirring melodies, provided a solemn backdrop as wreaths were laid at the foot of the monument.

The visual spectacle, coupled with the historical gravitas, created a powerful tableau that resonated with both the older generation, who carry the memories of the Liberation, and the younger generation, who inherit the legacy.

The presence of various dignitaries added a sense of official recognition to the ceremony, emphasizing the continued importance of remembering and honouring the city’s past.


The blending of solemnity and celebration served as a reminder that the Liberation was not just a historical event but a living legacy that shaped the identity of Plovdiv and its citizens.

As the ceremony concluded and the echoes of the Military Brass Band faded away, Plovdiv stood united in remembrance.

The 146th-anniversary celebration was more than a pilgrimage; it was a reaffirmation of the city’s resilience, a testament to the sacrifices made, and a collective promise to safeguard the freedom that was hard-earned.

In the heart of Tsar Simeon’s garden, amidst the monuments and history, Plovdiv once again proved that its spirit, forged through past struggles, continues to thrive in the present and will undoubtedly endure into the future.


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