Love is Blind: Congolese man marries triplets at same time, says he fell in love with all three sisters

A man of the Democratic Republic of Congo married three sisters at the same time. The man, who has been identified as Luwizo, said he fell in love with triplets and could not resist himself marrying them all.

Love is Blind: Congolese man marries triplets at same time, says he fell in love with all three sisters
Love is Blind: Congolese man marries triplets at same time, says he fell in love with all three sisters

A man of the Democratic Republic of Congo married three sisters at the same time. The man, who has been identified as Luwizo, said he fell in love with triplets and could not resist himself marrying them all.

The three triplets are – Natasha, Natalie and Nadege popped the question to the Congolese man at the same time. Luwizo married the triplets in Kalehe, near the border with Rwanda, as the law of Congo allows a person to marry over one person.


He said that he was obliged to marry all three sisters, adding that he was not able to say no to any of the triplets.

The man in an interview cited, “I was obliged to wed all of them because they are triplets. It was not an easy decision, although, until now, my parents do not at all understand what I am doing. You have to lose something if you want to gain another. One individual holds their preferences & their own way of doing things. So I am happy to marry the triplets no matter what others think. My parents despised my decision, that is why they did not attend my wedding. But all I can say – is love has no- limits.”

The parents of the man refused to attend the wedding of their son, citing they were not at all happy about their son’s decision of marrying triplets.

Meanwhile, one of the triplets cited that all of the sisters do not have any issue with sharing their husband, as they always had been sharing their stuff since childhood.

“When we told him – he had to marry all of us, he was totally shocked, but as he had already fallen in love with all of us, nothing – could stop our plans since we were so in love with the man. Even though people might consider it impossible for 3 women to share one husband, but to us – sharing everything has been our life since childhood”, one of the sisters cited.