UWP puts Dominica’s economy at risk by attacking development projects

The Opposition leaders have announced in a recent radio show that they are against the development of International Airport.

leader of the UWP, Thompson Fontaine
leader of the UWP, Thompson Fontaine

United Workers Party has been campaigning against the government of Dominica with respect to the ongoing construction of the International Airport. The clashes and differences that the opposition is trying to introduce, would have negative consequences on the development of the country.

The opposition has been placing baseless allegations and accusations on the development projects. Further, it has to be noted that they are unable to present sufficient proof to back up their claims.


However, by questioning the development projects currently being implemented across Dominica, UWP is trying to destabilize the nation. The Opposition leaders have announced in a recent radio show that they are against the development of International Airport.

They claimed that they would do everything in their power to stop the airport from being completed including taking the matter to the court of law. However, lack of concrete evidences have halted the progress of the UWP.

It is worth remembering that International Airport is one of the most ambitious and crucial project among the lineup of development oriented projects in Dominica. It is a part of the country’s effort to bounce back after the devastation caused by natural disasters like Hurricane Maria.

Upon completion, the International Airport is expected to give the economy of Dominica a major boost. The tourist footfall from direct international flights will transform the tourism sector of the nation.

The Airport project is also a major source of employment for the people as it will generate livelihoods for hundreds of locals. However, if the construction is halted due to the actions of the UWP, the economic implication of the halt would be destructive.

The economic prosperity of the small island nation depends heavily on constant and smart development. However, UWP does not seem to care about the fact and are constantly undermining the efforts of the government.

While the government of the country is constantly engaged in rebuilding after the destruction caused by the natural disasters, the actions of the opposition make it clear that they do not want to support any positive developments in the country.


Former leader of the United Workers Party, Lennox Limton has been behind defamatory international publications, which paint Dominica in a bad light. One of the recent examples of the fact comes from the OCCRP report.

The current leader of the UWP, Thompson Fontaine is also following the same footsteps as his predecessor as he has also asserted that he would continue to defy the development of the airport. Meanwhile, in March 2024, the opposition called on the people of the island to participate in the “Do Nothing Campaign”.

In this campaign, the political party urged the members of the community to stay at their homes and do nothing, thus promoting counterproductivity. The campaign received a lot of backlash from the people, and established the negativity that UWP is trying to spread.