Chepelare, Bulgaria: The Official opening of 10th Annual Congress of Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism was held at Pamporovo Congress Center in the period 11-12 September 2023.
The meeting was held under the motto “The growing potential of health tourism – a priority in Bulgaria’s national policy”. It was implemented with the support of Minister of Tourism and in partnership with Chepelare Municipality and the European SPA Association.
The event is the most important for Bulgaria’s Medical / SPA and SPA sector. Leading specialists and experts from Europe and Bulgaria in the SPA and the balneo sector participate in the Congress.
The Congress was officially opened by Dr Siika Katsarova’ president of the Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism, Boran Hadzhiev; Chepelare Mayor, Zahari Sirakov; regional manager of Smolyan, Irena Georgieva; Tourism Minister Thierry Dubois; President of European spa association and Marian Belyakov; executive director of Pamporovo.
The event was attended by Ambassadors of Serbia and Egypt, Deputies and representatives of the tourism business in Bulgaria.
In her speech at the official opening, Dr Siika Katsarova shared: “We are here at the invitation of the Mayor of Chepelare Municipality, Mr. Boran Hadzhiev, who has successfully managed to invest the funds from tourist fees for the development of tourism, and I hope more and more municipalities will follow this good example. “
This year, the Congress program includes topical topics related to the growing potential of health tourism in Bulgarian climate destinations.
A primary focus has been placed on Europe’s policies to support the recovery of European citizens who have survived COVID-19 and the role of Bulgarian climatic and spa-climate resorts in improving the health status of the Bulgarian population.
In a small part of her opening speech, Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Irena Georgieva, said: “Healthy tourism is a way to offer a year-round quality product of sustainable tourism”.
“The opportunity to develop medical tourism is one of the challenges for Bulgaria. The trend is mental health – people want to be in nature and be guided by what’s good for them. The Ministry of Tourism plans to develop health tourism and build the undisputed great potential of our country”.
On the second day of the Congress -09/12,2023, part of its cultural program will be planted t. sun. “BUBSPA Garden” on the territory of Chepelare with 30 beautiful trees – Japanese cherries.
Willing participants in the Jubilee Congress will plant their tree, in front of which a sign will be placed with their name. The idea is to enrich the municipality of Chepelare – the green heart of Bulgaria- and further develop tourism in our city, making it an even more attractive year-round destination.
The program also includes a visit to Snezhanka Peak – Pamporovo, a visit to the Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory and a visit to the village. Sneak Peek.