Sofia: Construction in front of square 101 Musagenitsa stopped

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed that they finally stopped construction in Musagenitsa. Now, no investor will forcefully impose its claims on Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed that they finally stopped construction in Musagenitsa. Now, no investor will forcefully impose its claims on Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed that they finally stopped construction in Musagenitsa. Now, no investor will forcefully impose its claims on Sofia (image Courtesy-

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed that they finally stopped construction in Musagenitsa. Now, no investor will forcefully impose its claims on Sofia.

He stated that the construction in front of square 101 is not going to happen. Petyo Bluskov has accepted and signed the proposal of SOS to replace the plot with another one. The terrain remains for landscaping in Studentski District.


Chairman Georgiev highlights that a residential block with nearly 5000 sq.m. will not be built. m. in front of unit 101. As of today, the citizens of the district Musagenitsa stop their daily protest by closing the intersection of Blvd. “G. M. Dimitrov and Blvd. “Dragan Tsankov”.

He said, “We achieved this victory TOGETHER! I thank them both for their unrestraint and understanding. Today, the municipal advisors from all political groups – GERB, Democratic Bulgaria, BSP, “Patriots for Sofia”, and the region’s mayor Petko Goranov – have succeeded in the extremely difficult negotiations with the owner of the field”.

He added, “With our report, we predict the area of over 1600 sq.m. m. to remain a garden with the great trees in it. We compensate the owner with another property that will be occupied on the Blvd. Alexander Malinov, far from residential buildings. It is part of a major design solution, with which we save 15 more green properties in “Mladost” from developing”.

Peto Bluskov’s company, which owns the field, will also have to pay the municipality a cash compensation of over BGN 830,000 for the new property it will receive.

Chairman Georgiev thanked the citizens of Musagenitsa for supporting Metropolitan Municipality in their efforts to find a legal solution. He also appreciated support from fellow municipal advisors from GERB, DB, BSP, and “Patriots for Sofia”, with whom he had nerves-filled and high-tone negotiations with the investor for months.

He noted that next Thursday, the municipal council will approve their proposal, so the case will finally be solved. Georgiev said the negotiation is an example of “Unity makes strength”!