Chepelare, Bulgaria: The Tourist Information Center town of Chepelare informed through its social media account that on July 8, 2023, in the gr. Chepelare, for the first time, a streetball tournament was held, named Chepelare Cup.
During the event, it was a pleasant surprise for the organizers and residents that ten teams participated in the tournament, including guests from the city. Plovdiv, city The Cave, Gr. Smolyan, Gr. Devin and more. The meetings were extremely attractive and controversial.
The event was for charity. The cause was to help the families of the victims of the fire on March 26, 2023. in the gr. The Chappalars. The amount collected is worth: 317. 50 BGN. The Municipality of Chepelare provided awards to the winning teams during the competition.
The Municipality presented special gratitude to Evgeni Paunov, Rosen Paskalev, Dimitar Vranchev, Andrei Hudson and everyone involved in the organization of a sporting event.
Here is the list of winners and awards presented to the participators during the streetball tournament-
Ranking (Men):
1st place – “Kamenitsa”, city Plovdiv;
2nd place – Squeeze the Weak, gr. Plovdiv;
3rd place – “SAZ”, gr. Smar;
Individual awards:
“3 point contest” – Rosen Paskalev, “The Bricks”, gr. The Chappalars;
“Slam dunk contest winner” – Zlatomir Petrov, “Kamenica”, gr. Plovdiv;
Best pitcher (left) – Boyan Mitev – Kamenitsa;
Best Pitcher (Right)” – Gabriel Gospodinov – “Crush the Weak”;
MVP – Atanas Sarastov, Kamenitsa;
“Most Attractive Player” – Atanas Sarastov, “Kamenitsa”, Mikhail Bakov – “Crush the Weak”;
“Best Defender” – Nikolay Trakiyski, “Crush the Weak”, Zlatomir Petrov, “Kamenitsa”;
Ranking (Students):
1st place – “Chepelare Warriors”, gr. The Chappalars;
2nd place – “Titan”, city The Chappalars;
Individual awards:
“MVP” – Angel Yanakiev;