MTSP aim to train 200,000 individuals by implementing new project worth 194 million

Under the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability (NPVU), the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MTSP) implemented a project worth 194 million. Euro planned, by mid-2024, to train 200,000 unemployed and employed to acquire basic or medium-level digital skills

Under the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability (NPVU), the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MTSP) implemented a project worth 194 million. Euro planned, by mid-2024, to train 200,000 unemployed and employed to acquire basic or medium-level digital skills
Under the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability (NPVU), the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MTSP) implemented a project worth 194 million. Euro planned, by mid-2024, to train 200,000 unemployed and employed to acquire basic or medium-level digital skills

Under the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability (NPVU), the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MTSP) implemented a project worth 194 million. Euro planned, by mid-2024, to train 200,000 unemployed and employed to acquire basic or medium-level digital skills.

Through its social media account, the ministry stated that more than 623 million leva were provided in line with the Human Resource Development Program for work training, internships, specific training related to one particular workplace, acquisition of “green” skills, etc.


“A priority in national employment policy is the improvement of digital skills and the quality of the workforce. This will happen through investments in training and qualification, development of skills and key competencies of employees and job seekers,” Labor and Social Policy Minister Ivanka Shalapatova said at a conference “Quality Jobs: How to deliver them? “.

EURACTIV Bulgaria and Eurofound organize the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions forum with CEO Ivaylo Calfin.

Labour and Social Policy Minister Ivanka Shalapatova commented, “If I can summarize, MTSP will invest in measures to increase skills and the quality of the workforce by 2027, over 1 billion leva, both under the National Employment Action Plan and the Human Resource Development Programme. We have the opportunity to invest the resource; it’s important to do it wisely in order to have a quality result”.

She further remarked, “I believe that with constructive dialogue with social partners and all stakeholders, we can provide Bulgarian businesses with better quality workers and employees, and workers with better quality jobs. As the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, I have the ambition to find a way not only to guarantee the quality of training but also to monitor its effectiveness”.