Two employees of JCDecaux cuts crowns of trees, interrupting advertising billboard, says Georgi Iliev

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Iliev, mayor of Slatina, informed through his social media account that yesterday, two employees of JCDecaux came at 11 pm and cut the crowns of two of the trees planted in front of the Universiade Hall and on the Boulevard itself, Shipcenski Pass 23 of Sofia municipality

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Iliev, mayor of Slatina, informed through his social media account that yesterday, two employees of JCDecaux came at 11 pm and cut the crowns of two of the trees planted in front of the Universiade Hall and on the Boulevard itself, Shipcenski Pass 23 of Sofia municipality
Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Iliev, mayor of Slatina, informed through his social media account that yesterday, two employees of JCDecaux came at 11 pm and cut the crowns of two of the trees planted in front of the Universiade Hall and on the Boulevard itself, Shipcenski Pass 23 of Sofia municipality (image Courtesy-Facebook)

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Iliev, mayor of Slatina, informed through his social media account that yesterday, two employees of JCDecaux came at 11 pm and cut the crowns of two of the trees planted in front of the Universiade Hall and on the Boulevard itself, Shipcenski Pass 23 of Sofia municipality.

He expressed his anger and disappointment, saying that the French-originated firm is spoiling the Green Belt for their own interests and advertising. He wrote, “Those who are only a year or two have also begun to shape their crowns because it interfered with their billboard”.


Mayor Iliev urged the citizens of Slatina district to contact him at 0898680160 if someone has any information about the perpetrators who did this violation.

The trees were cut because they covered the advertising billboard over the bus stop. The locals living in district Stalina suggested to Mayor Iliev that the most straightforward thing Municipality can do as citizens is not to use the advertised product/product on those billboards and give a public response to those paying JCDecaux to advertise.

Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, also shared his considerations about the incident that happened in district Stalina executed by JCDecaux.

He said, “Sofia is not the Wild West, and the perpetrators will be punished. The commander of this outrage – too, I hope”.

He demanded immediate action and checks from the Municipal Directorate of Security, the SDVR and the Metropolitan Inspectorate in connection with this information provided by Georgi Iliev, the Mayor of Slatina District.

Georgiev assured that the Municipality is checking recordings of roadway cameras in the area and others that are available. Evidence is urgently needed to be collected, it is clear who has an interest in cutting trees in front of advertising facilities, and he will be punished.