Sofia: Municipality places separate collection bins in all kindergartens

Sofia, Bulgaria: Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia Municipality, informed through her official Facebook account that, together with the children of 88 kindergartens in the Iskar district, the Sofian Municipality started the initiative to place separate collection bins in all kindergartens of Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria: Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia Municipality, informed through her official Facebook account that, together with the children of 88 kindergartens in the Iskar district, the Sofian Municipality started the initiative to place separate collection bins in all kindergartens of Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria: Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia Municipality, informed through her official Facebook account that, together with the children of 88 kindergartens in the Iskar district, the Sofian Municipality started the initiative to place separate collection bins in all kindergartens of Sofia (Image Courtesy-Facebook

Sofia, Bulgaria: Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia Municipality, informed through her official Facebook account that, together with the children of 88 kindergartens in the Iskar district, the Sofian Municipality started the initiative to place separate collection bins in all kindergartens of Sofia.

In addition to bins in the form of toys, children will be introduced to the benefits of a particular collection. She noted that Children are the best teachers! Believing their ability to change the adults, the Municipality began including them in segregating waste initiatives.


Mayor Fandakova reminded that last year, students and teachers joined the cause by providing separate collection containers for all schools. Now with the deputy team -Mayor of Ecology, Desislava Bileva, the Municipality of Sofia continue to include kindergartens and universities.

She emphasized that 88 kindergartens have been included in the separate food waste disposal system for several years. In 2014, the Municipality launched the first municipal food waste processing plant in Khan Bogrov to produce energy from separately collected food waste.

Regarding waste management and preservation, Mayor Fandakova remarked that 98 tonnes of food waste were collected and processed from kindergartens for the first three months of the year alone.

She commented that the Municipality continued their “Compost at Home” campaign for another year. From today until May 15, up to 2000 composters will be distributed to households. In these, citizens can place in addition to green waste from their gardens and some types of food waste.

The Mayor of Sofia also outlined that by the end of June, the construction of the new kindergarten in the Hope district will be completed, and in the summer, its furnishing should be completed.

The garden is for six groups and is part of the program for the construction of kindergartens in all regions of Sofia; the mayors of districts design and construct the new kindergartens.