Minister of E-Government Bozhidar Bozhanov reported that Russian Federation (more precisely – the Kremlin regime) had announced Christo Grozev, a Bulgarian investigative journalist, for a federal investigation.
Руската федерация (по-точно – кремълският режим) е обявил Христо Грозев, български разследващ журналист, за федерално издирване.
Изпратих парламентарен въпрос на Министерство на външните работи дали ще извикат Митрофанова за обяснение защо Русия издирва български журналист.— Bozhidar Bozhanov (@bozhobg) December 26, 2022
According to the Russian Interior Ministry, Christo Grozev is wanted by the Russianw Federation, who was accused of investigating the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny in 2020.
Bozhanov commented that he sent a parliamentary question to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about whether they will call Mitrofanova for an explanation why Russia is looking for a Bulgarian journalist.
He emphasizes that Grozev has never gone to Russia since 2016. There is no way he entered Russian territory, and the request made by Russian Federation is invalid.
According to Bozhanov, the Kremlin certainly doesn’t like Grozev after many revelations about the operations of Russian service agents in Europe. Russian included Grozev in their investigation list for unspecified reasons.
The Bulgarian Journalist stated on Twitter that he didn’t know why the Kremlin included him on the Wanted List. He said that Russia had made it apparent for years that they were terrified of his work and would do anything to put an end to it.
A general comment: I have no idea on what grounds the Kremlin has put me on its "wanted list", thus I cannot provide any comments at this time. In a way it doesn't matter – for years they've made it clear they are scared of our work and would stop at nothing to make it go away. https://t.co/fd4Evbd7gJ
— Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) December 26, 2022
The Bulgarian Journalist has covered the Russian government’s involvement in infamous international crimes. The Ministry said he also investigated the 2020 assassination of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny.
Additionally, Ministry alleges his involvement in the 2014 disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Donetsk Oblast and the poisoning of Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom.
According to Firstpost, Grozev participated in a scheme to steal Russian fighter jets, according to the Russian Federal Security Service. The Journalist refuted these assertions in July and charged Russian domestic intelligence with creating false evidence to bolster its accusations.