The government of Saint Lucia, headed by Prime Minister, Phillip J Pierre, has made several commitments towards making several developments to their nation over their tenure. Developments, ably guided and aided by its Citizenship by Investment Programme, especially in the sectors of Healthcare and Human Resources, have the capability to bring Saint Lucia to be at par with several developed nations. This is despite the Caribbean Nation’s status as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS)
The Government of Saint Lucia recognizes the importance of constantly uplifting the lifestyle, infrastructures and facilities of the nation for the betterment and prosperity of the population. The government, led by Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre, has taken up several initiatives towards the upliftment of Saint Lucia. These initiatives include making an investment towards providing better healthcare and job opportunities.
The initiatives, assisted by the funds from the CIP of Saint Lucia, will be a great assistance in uplifting the lifestyle of not only the people of Saint Lucia Itself but also the individuals who choose to call the Island of Saint Lucia their home.
The start of the decade saw the ravaging effects of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic. This Pandemic served as an eye-opener for Saint Lucia and the rest of the world. Following the Pandemic, the Pierre-led government directed their attention towards developing the healthcare sector, roads, schools, and infrastructures. Under their commitment to developing the healthcare sector, the government announced their plans to construct new healthcare centres with top-of-the-line facilities.
The government has pledged to develop the healthcare sector of the nation in such a way that they can remain ready to combat any future threats to the safety and health of their nationals and citizens. In line with this commitment, the government and health ministry also provide training to the medical personnel to enhance their knowledge and broaden their skills.
Further, the government of Saint Lucia is also making efforts towards uplifting the education sector. Assisted by the funds generated by the country’s Citizenship By Investment Programme (CIP Saint Lucia), the government seeks to make significant advancements and developments in the Education Sector.
Using the funds generated by the CIP of Saint Lucia, the government has planned to make several additions to the schools and the kind of education that can be imparted to the children. Introduction of technological learning with smart classes and provision of I-pads and gadgets to students at the Primary and Secondary school levels. The provision of Laptops to students in college-level education is some of the initiatives that the government of Saint Lucia is expected to take up in the near future.
Saint Lucia is proud to have a literacy rate of 90.1%, evidence of the various advancements made in the sector. Over 95 per cent of Saint Lucia’s children aged three to five attend one of the country’s more than 150 preschools or 33 daycare centres. Additionally, the nation has seventy-five (75) primary schools and twenty-four (24) secondary schools on the island. All these institutions would benefit greatly from the funds originating from the Country’s Citizenship By Investment Programme.
High Net worth Individuals seeking to invest in the CIP of Saint Lucia ensure not only their own future but also the future of their children. As a Small Island Developing Nation, Saint Lucia is highly committed to the upliftment of their human capital. They provide a robust and secure environment for business people to flourish and grow in the Saint Lucian Economy. Saint Lucia provides access to a wide variety of opportunities for the business-minded individual as well as the family man.
Currently, the CIP of Saint Lucia enjoys one of the top positions in the Citizenship Index for the year 2022. It is a most remarkable feat to achieve for a nation as new to the Citizenship by Investment Scenario as Saint Lucia.
In the six years that have elapsed since the introduction of the Citizenship By Investment Programme of Saint Lucia, the nation has steadily made its way to the top of the CBI Index published annually by the PWM Magazine. At the third place in the Index, Saint Lucia is close behind Saint Kitts and Nevis (Oldest CBI Programme in the industry) and Dominica.
The CIP of Saint Lucia provides access to Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme comes with a variety of Benefits for the investors. With the Citizenship of Saint Lucia, an investor can enjoy restriction free travel to over 147 nations in the world. The Citizenship allows the applicants to expand their businesses all over the world and helps in portfolio diversification
Investment in the Citizenship of Saint Lucia presents itself as a responsible wealth management option and provides an opportunity to the investor to spend the rest of their life in a peaceful and safe environment Another undeniable benefit of the CIP Saint Lucia is that the Citizenship, once acquired, remains for life. The applicant can even pass on their citizenship to their future generations.