World Earth Day falls on April 22, 2022, an annual event that is observed to demonstrate one’s support and love for safeguarding the environment. Goggle Doodle marks Earth Day, sharing real time-lapse imagery from Google Earth, which displays the drastic impacts of climate change across the planet.
The theme for this year’s World Earth Day – is “Invest In Our Planet“. Initially marked on April 22, 1970, the event witnessed the organising of several environment-related events throughout the 193 countries, reminding the global population about climate-related problems and their impacts.
On the day, several international organisations memorialised the day by spreading awareness and asking the general public to be concerned with their actions towards nature.
European Commission tweeted, “Today is Mother Earth Day! Our commitment: a climate-neutral continent by 2050. With our #EUGreenDeal, we are investing in our planet to combat the effects of climate change. Every effort counts to stop it”.
United Nations Development, marking the day and signifying the importance of forests, tweeted, “Protecting and restoring forests is essential for a healthy planet. On this EarthDay, see how five countries are stepping up forest conservation with our Climate Promise”.
Meanwhile, the United Nations shared multiple ways and ideas that one can follow, joining the league to save the planet. The organisation urged the world population to plant a tree, cut food waste, recycle, and buy local products.
UN has also launched a campaign with the name – “ACTNOW” to preserve a habitable climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
Statement of UNICEF on Earth Day 2022:
“It’s Earth Day! Today and every day, let’s celebrate and protect our wonderful home. Tell us what action you are taking to save our one and only planet.
“Why do we need climate action? Our planet has warmed by approx 1.1°C. The last seven years have been the warmest on record, and at least 1 billion children are at extremely high risk of climate hazards”.