Russia suspends 2 Bulgarian Diplomats

According to Russia, this decision comes as a "tit-for-tat" after the Bulgarian Government expelled eleven (11) Russian Diplomats over the suspicion of spying. 

Russia suspends 2 Bulgarian Diplomats
Russia suspends 2 Bulgarian Diplomats

Sofia, Bulgaria: Russian Government has suspended two Bulgarian Diplomats as per the statement released by the country’s foreign ministry on Friday, April 8, 2022. According to Russia, this decision comes as a “tit-for-tat” after the Bulgarian Government expelled eleven (11) Russian Diplomats over the suspicion of spying. 

Not only this, but Russia is also expelling forty-five (45) Polish diplomats. Russian foreign ministry stated it is apprising “persona non grata” to 45 employees of the Polish Embassy in Russia and also for the Polish consulates in the cities – of Irkutsk, Kaliningrad and Saint Petersburg. 


Not only Poland and Bulgaria but there are several other countries that have expelled the Russian Diplomats. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman – Maria Zakharova the previous month called the expulsions of diplomats by the Bulgarian administration a “provocation.” 

Removing the 11th Russian Diplomat from office, the statement of Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry cited, “The foreign ministry handed a note declaring the diplomatic official ‘persona non grata ‘, providing him a 72-hour deadline to leave the country.”

Meanwhile, on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations Human Rights Commission – UNHRC has cancelled its membership of Russia on Friday. This decision of the UN has been condemned by the Russian Government, and in its response, the foreign ministry of Russia tweeted, “The #UNGA Resolution on suspending Russia’s membership in the @UN_HRC is an unlawful and politically motivated act of punishment. Russia has decided to end its membership in the UNHRC, effective immediately (April 7, 2022).” 

Moscow received tons of sanctions following its war with Ukraine. Where on one end, countries stand firm with the Ukrainian administration and population; on the other hand, there are nations standing in support of Russia. 

Recently speaking on the situation of Ukraine, Zakharova cited, “I am accusing Western and primarily the US media of not only spreading #fakenews and disinformation but of being an accomplice in the massacre in Bucha. The truth will always prevail.”