Confrontation between homeowner & strikers in Portland killed 1, leaving 5 injured

A shooting incident occurred in Portland, Oregon, United States claiming the life of one individual while leaving the rest five wounded.

United States: A shooting incident occurred in Portland, Oregon, United States claiming the life of one individual while leaving the rest five wounded. A face-off took place on Sunday, February 20, 2022, between a landlord and the strikers (both were armed). The incident was witnessed at a park, where a planned strike was taking place against the violence led by the police authorities.   

As per reports of the Portland Police Bureau, the deceased is a woman, while among the injured are two men and three other women, who were immediately taken to the hospital facilities.  


The statement issued by the police department states, “The scene was extremely chaotic, & a number of witnesses were uncooperative with responding officers. Most people on the scene left without talking to the police. This is a very complicated incident, and investigators are trying to put this puzzle together without having all the pieces”.  

Although no update has yet been provided by the police authorities regarding the health update of the injured, the identities have also not been revealed by the officials.  

Yesterday, a live news media conference was interrupted by protesters who started screaming at the anti-police opinions. Apart from this, no other information has yet been shared by the police authorities. 

For the past few weeks, the city has been witnessing a soar in the gun-violence. Within the time frame of 9 hours, at least six shooting incidents were recorded by the Portland police officials.  

Portland City Councilman Mingus Mapps, on the current situation of the city, asserted, “We have a public safety crisis, and it is impacting everybody“.  

Moreover, last year witnessed a massive hike in the cases of gun violence, which was the highest of every time. This had a negative impact on the black community of the city, according to the police authorities. 

The city also faced increased drug-dealing cases, and multiple disputes were recorded among the homeless people. 
