Facebook is testing one, Twitter already has it, Telegram (kinda) has it, and even LinkedIn is developing one. Now, every social network that takes itself seriously has a Clubhouse clone. The popular audio-only meeting/discussion platform has inspired many competitors to come up with their own alternatives, and now the newest member to join the party is Reddit.
The social network announced a preview of Reddit Talk, “It allows you to host live audio conversations in your community.” Currently, the new format only applies to invitations from community moderators, but once enabled for them, they can communicate with all subreddit members. Have a “chat” with the visitor. In the future, other “trusted” Redditors may also be able to start new voice chats on their own, but details on these messages are still pending.
If you’ve heard of Clubhouse, Reddit Talk should sound familiar. The host can invite speakers who can discuss a topic, and listeners can provide feedback by interacting with emojis. If the host allows it, people can also raise their virtual hand to join the conversation. Reddit said that this new format will be very suitable for various interactive conversations, such as AMA (Ask Me What), question and answer sessions, lectures, radio-style sports seminars, community comment sessions, etc. Reddit also tested the host’s customization options, allowing it to create a unique experience with its own background colors and emojis.
Reddit invited its hosts to help shape the feature, asking for comments, ideas, and questions. If you are a Reddit community manager yourself, you can join the waitlist in the announcement. It may take a while for this feature to be fully activated and available to everyone. The talk will be promoted first to the Reddit mobile app on Android and iOS.