Lightning Strike in Stara Planina Claims Two Lives

In Stara Planina, a father and his daughter lost their lives after being struck by lightning during a storm. Krasen Georgiev from the Mountain Rescue Service shared the harrowing details on BNT, emphasizing the slim chances of survival for the victims

The third family member, a child who survived the ordeal, provided crucial information about their exact location, likely because they were at a safer distance from the lightning strike
The third family member, a child who survived the ordeal, provided crucial information about their exact location, likely because they were at a safer distance from the lightning strike

In Stara Planina, a father and his daughter lost their lives after being struck by lightning during a storm. Krasen Georgiev from the Mountain Rescue Service shared the harrowing details on BNT, emphasizing the slim chances of survival for the victims.

The third family member, a child who survived the ordeal, provided crucial information about their exact location, likely because they were at a safer distance from the lightning strike.


The Bulgarian Mountain Rescue Service had to act with urgency due to rapidly changing weather conditions. Immediate air support was deemed necessary, prompting swift coordination between ground teams and the organization of a helicopter rescue.

Accurate information about the victims’ location was vital for directing the helicopter, but the rescuers had to wait for an improvement in mountain conditions to proceed.

Georgiev explained that a metal rope might have contributed to the incident, though he clarified that the risk would have been significant regardless.

He stressed the importance of evaluating the situation, such as deciding when to descend or return to a safer area, and acknowledged that sometimes events unfold too quickly for a timely response.

The surviving child’s ability to provide detailed information about their location was a testament to their mental resilience in such a traumatic situation.

Georgiev commended the child’s courage and presence of mind, which were instrumental in guiding the rescue efforts.

The father and his two children were reportedly attempting to descend quickly to avoid the high summit area when the tragedy occurred.


Georgiev noted that high and rocky peaks are inherently dangerous during storms, and the family’s decision to descend was a prudent one, albeit tragically unsuccessful.

The rescue operation faced significant challenges due to the dynamic weather conditions in the mountains. Georgiev reflected on these difficulties and reiterated the importance of avoiding high-altitude areas during severe weather.

He offered practical advice for staying safe in the mountains, stressing that the best course of action during a thunderstorm is to avoid being in the mountains altogether.

The Mountain Rescue Service’s swift response and the coordination with air support were crucial in the aftermath of the incident. Despite the tragic outcome, their efforts highlight the importance of preparedness and the challenges faced in mountain rescue operations.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by severe weather in mountainous regions. Georgiev’s reflections on the rescue operation underscore the importance of vigilance and preparedness for anyone venturing into high-altitude areas.

His advice to avoid the mountains during thunderstorms is a crucial safety tip that could save lives in the future.

The Mountain Rescue Service continues to stress the importance of safety and awareness for all mountain enthusiasts. The loss of the father and daughter in Stara Planina is a tragic event that underscores the inherent risks of mountain activities during severe weather.

The surviving child’s resilience and the swift actions of the rescue team are a testament to the human spirit and the importance of coordinated rescue efforts in such dire situations.