Hungarian Presidency Urges Action on Schengen Accession for Bulgaria and Romania

Hungary, currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU, has intensified efforts to push forward the accession of Bulgaria and Romania into the Schengen Area

The Deputy Minister highlighted concerns about migrants' non-compliance and aggression at the EU's southern borders, urging stronger security measures
The Deputy Minister highlighted concerns about migrants' non-compliance and aggression at the EU's southern borders, urging stronger security measures

In a decisive move aimed at bolstering European Union (EU) border security, Hungary, currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU, has intensified efforts to push forward the accession of Bulgaria and Romania into the Schengen Area.

Deputy Minister of the Interior of Hungary, Bense Retvari, emphasized the urgency of a decision before the year’s end, highlighting the critical importance of addressing security challenges at the EU’s external borders.


Speaking to BTA at a press conference in Budapest, Retvari underscored the need for solidarity among EU member states, urging for additional support to be directed towards Bulgaria and Greece, particularly in managing the influx of migrants.

“We cannot leave Bulgaria and Greece alone,” he stressed, calling for swift discussions on enhancing border protection measures.

The Deputy Minister expressed concern over the behavior of migrants arriving at the EU’s southern borders, noting instances of non-compliance with legal protocols and even aggression towards border authorities.

“They do not respect the EU, they do not cooperate with the authorities,” Retvari remarked, advocating for a unified EU approach to maintain security and uphold the rule of law.

Retvari further warned of potential consequences if external border security is not fortified, hinting at the possibility of reinstating internal European borders—a move that could undermine the EU’s internal market.

“The EU needs to increase security at all external borders,” he asserted, emphasizing the imperative of a coordinated strategy to prevent the need for such measures.

While the Deputy Minister did not specify a timeline for a decision on Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen accession, he reiterated Hungary’s commitment to keeping the issue high on the EU Council agenda.


“There is no reason to postpone the decision,” Retvari affirmed, signaling Hungary’s determination to reach a consensus swiftly.

The debate over Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen accession has been ongoing for years, with concerns primarily centered on the ability of these countries to effectively manage their borders in accordance with Schengen standards.

Advocates argue that their accession would strengthen the EU’s collective security framework, while opponents highlight persistent challenges in border control and migrant management.

As the Hungarian Presidency presses forward, the spotlight remains on EU member states to unite in addressing these challenges, ensuring a secure and cohesive European Union amidst evolving geopolitical pressures and migration dynamics.


The Hungarian Presidency’s proactive stance on Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen accession reflects a pivotal moment in EU border policy.

With security concerns at the forefront, the call for solidarity and decisive action underscores the shared responsibility of member states in safeguarding Europe’s external borders while preserving the integrity of the Schengen Area.


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