Bulgaria’s Borissov Alleges Threat on His Life from Global Intelligence Service

However, amidst discussions of governmental strategy, Borissov raised concerns about his personal security, revealing alarming information from his security team regarding a significant threat

"About a week ago, my security team informed me of a grave threat signal from one of the world's most influential services," Borissov disclosed, suggesting the involvement of a major global intelligence entity

In a decisive address to the parliament today, Boyko Borissov, leader of the GERB party, outlined his intention to propose a minority government led solely by GERB, citing a mandate from their supporters.

Dismissing any potential alliances with other parties, Borissov emphasized GERB’s independence and the preferences of their voter base.


“I don’t want support from other parties. If it’s not GERB or our group, I know what you’ll say: that someone has been bought off. Not a cent will be given for such a thing,” Borissov declared firmly during his speech.

However, amidst discussions of governmental strategy, Borissov raised concerns about his personal security, revealing alarming information from his security team regarding a significant threat.

“About a week ago, my security team informed me of a grave threat signal from one of the world’s most influential services,” Borissov disclosed, suggesting the involvement of a major global intelligence entity.

He clarified that he has not personally contacted Bulgaria’s security services but expressed confidence in their handling of the situation.

Borissov hinted at a connection between the threat and Bulgaria’s recent support for Ukraine, implying that international attention had escalated due to their geopolitical stance. “This signal is from one of the most formidable services,” Borissov emphasized, underlining the seriousness of the situation.

The announcement of GERB’s intention to form a minority government comes at a crucial juncture in Bulgarian politics, with Borissov asserting control over the direction of governance despite potential challenges from rival factions.

Political analysts speculate that Borissov’s firm stance against forming alliances reflects a strategy to maintain GERB’s identity and uphold promises made to their electorate.


The decision to pursue a minority government could lead to a period of political maneuvering and negotiations within the parliament, as GERB seeks to secure sufficient backing for their proposals while navigating the complexities of minority rule.

Concerns over Borissov’s security have added a layer of urgency to the political landscape, prompting questions about the nature of the alleged threat and its potential implications.

The revelation has drawn attention to broader issues of national security and Bulgaria’s role in international affairs, particularly in light of recent geopolitical tensions.

As Borissov prepares to advance GERB’s agenda in parliament, his leadership faces scrutiny both domestically and internationally.


The unfolding developments are set against a backdrop of heightened geopolitical sensitivity, with Bulgaria navigating its position within the European Union and broader global alliances.

In response to inquiries about the specific nature of the threat and any official investigations, Borissov indicated that he relies on his security team’s assessments and expressed confidence in Bulgaria’s security apparatus to handle the matter effectively.

The coming days are expected to witness further deliberations within Bulgarian political circles as parties react to GERB’s proposals and the security concerns raised by Borissov.

The outcome will shape the trajectory of governance in Bulgaria and impact its standing on the international stage.

As the situation unfolds, all eyes remain on Borissov and GERB, awaiting developments that could define Bulgaria’s political landscape in the weeks and months ahead.


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