Understanding Bulgarian Parents’ Perspectives on Vaccination: Study Reveals Varied Attitudes and Concerns

The study, which surveyed parents of children up to 4 years of age, uncovered a spectrum of perspectives regarding vaccination, with fear of side effects emerging as a predominant factor influencing parental decisions

Surveyed parents of young children revealed diverse views on vaccination, with side effect fears significantly impacting parental choices
Surveyed parents of young children revealed diverse views on vaccination, with side effect fears significantly impacting parental choices

A recent study conducted by the sociological agency Global Metrics, commissioned by UNICEF Bulgaria and the Ministry of Health, explored Bulgarian parents’ attitudes towards vaccination in depth. The study shed light on the complex landscape of immunization beliefs and concerns.



The study, which surveyed parents of children up to 4 years of age, uncovered a spectrum of perspectives regarding vaccination, with fear of side effects emerging as a predominant factor influencing parental decisions. 


Over half of Bulgarian parents expressed support for mandatory vaccines, indicating a widespread recognition of the importance of immunization in safeguarding public health. 


However, less than 10% adamantly opposed the notion of mandatory vaccination altogether.


Key findings from the study delineate four distinct groups of parents based on their attitudes towards the immunization calendar:

  1. Supportive Majority: Approximately 61% of parents are in favor of mandatory vaccines and are willing to administer all recommended vaccines, with some even open to additional ones.
  2. Advocates for Expansion: Nearly 4% advocate for the inclusion of more vaccines in the immunization calendar, reflecting a desire for enhanced protection against preventable diseases.
  3. Freedom of Choice Advocates: About 13% advocate for greater freedom of choice, suggesting a preference for reducing the number of mandatory vaccines, while still acknowledging their importance.
  4. Opposition to Mandatory Vaccination: Roughly 8% oppose the concept of mandatory vaccination entirely, citing concerns over perceived risks and side effects.


The study underscores the prevalence of apprehension among parents who opt not to vaccinate their children, often driven by fears regarding vaccine safety and the presence of potentially harmful ingredients. While healthcare providers attribute vaccine hesitancy to misinformation, there exists a disconnect between the reasons cited by parents and medical professionals.


Moreover, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parental attitudes towards vaccination is scrutinized. While the majority of parents maintained their positive stance on vaccines, a significant minority experienced a shift in opinion, with approximately 12% becoming more positive and nearly 7% becoming more negative.



In response to these findings, experts emphasize the critical need to address vaccine hesitancy and combat misinformation effectively. Targeted educational initiatives aimed at informing parents about the benefits of vaccination in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting public health are deemed imperative.


Dr. Elena Petrova, a leading pediatrician involved in the study, remarked, “Understanding and addressing the concerns of parents is crucial in ensuring widespread acceptance and uptake of vaccines. By fostering open dialogue and providing accurate information, we can empower parents to make informed decisions regarding their children’s health.”


As Bulgaria continues its efforts to bolster vaccination rates and combat vaccine-preventable diseases, initiatives aimed at fostering trust, dispelling myths, and promoting evidence-based vaccination practices are poised to play a pivotal role in safeguarding the well-being of the nation’s children.


Through collaborative endeavors between healthcare professionals, policymakers, and community stakeholders, Bulgaria can strive towards achieving optimal vaccination coverage and securing a healthier future for generations to come.