Bulgaria Eyes Euro Adoption in 2025: Eurogroup President Confirms

This declaration follows extensive discussions between Donohoe and top Bulgarian officials, including outgoing Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov, Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel, and Finance Minister Assen Vassilev

In addition to discussing Bulgaria's potential euro adoption, Denkov and Donohoe delved into Ireland's post-euro adoption experience
In addition to discussing Bulgaria's potential euro adoption, Denkov and Donohoe delved into Ireland's post-euro adoption experience

In a significant development on the European economic landscape, Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe has confirmed that Bulgaria could potentially adopt the euro in 2025.

This declaration follows extensive discussions between Donohoe and top Bulgarian officials, including outgoing Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov, Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel, and Finance Minister Assen Vassilev.


Donohoe underscored Bulgaria’s efforts to curb inflation as a pivotal factor in paving the way for euro adoption in 2025.

Stressing the importance of adhering to stringent economic criteria, he expressed optimism about Bulgaria’s prospects, asserting that it’s not a question of if but when Bulgaria will join the eurozone.

The decision to pursue further economic assessments, as outlined in EU treaties, lies within the purview of the Bulgarian government. Donohoe’s confidence in Bulgaria’s ability to meet the necessary criteria reflects a positive outlook on the nation’s economic trajectory.

Denkov, acknowledging Donohoe’s extensive political experience, highlighted the Irish Minister’s decade-long service in various capacities within the Irish government.

Currently holding the portfolio of Minister for Public Spending, the National Development Plan, and Reforms in Ireland, Donohoe brings a wealth of expertise to the table.

In addition to discussing Bulgaria’s potential euro adoption, Denkov and Donohoe delved into Ireland’s post-euro adoption experience.

Denkov drew attention to Ireland’s remarkable transformation from being the EU’s poorest nation to achieving significant economic development.


He attributed Ireland’s success to the implementation of effective policies that attracted investments and capitalized on the opportunities afforded by EU membership and the adoption of the euro.

Ireland’s rapid ascent within the EU serves as a compelling example of the benefits of prudent economic management and strategic planning.

The prospect of Bulgaria joining the eurozone in 2025 marks a significant milestone in the country’s economic evolution.

Euro adoption would not only signify Bulgaria’s integration into the broader European economic framework but also signal confidence in its economic stability and growth prospects.


As Bulgaria progresses towards euro adoption, stakeholders will closely monitor the nation’s economic indicators and policy measures.

Successfully realizing this endeavour would not only bolster Bulgaria’s standing within the EU but also contribute to the region’s economic cohesion and stability.

With Bulgaria poised on the cusp of a historic decision, the path to euro adoption underscores the nation’s commitment to fiscal discipline and aligning with European economic norms.

As Eurogroup President Donohoe aptly stated, Bulgaria’s entry into the eurozone is not a question of if but when—a sentiment that encapsulates the optimism surrounding Bulgaria’s economic future on the European stage.