Bulgarians Commemorate National Holiday with Unity and Resilience at Shipka Peak

Standing atop the historic peak, President Radev hailed the unwavering spirit of the Bulgarian people and expressed profound gratitude for their steadfast dedication to safeguarding March 3 as a beacon of national pride

Bulgarians departed from the hallowed grounds of Shipka, carrying with them the spirit of March 3 and the enduring legacy of their nation's struggle for freedom
Bulgarians departed from the hallowed grounds of Shipka, carrying with them the spirit of March 3 and the enduring legacy of their nation's struggle for freedom (İmage Courtesy- President Rumen Radev's official Facebook Account)

President Rumen Radev’s Address Resonates, Speaker Rosen Zhelyazkov Faces Disapproval

Shipka Peak, Bulgaria – March 3, 2024:


Amidst the breathtaking panorama of Shipka Peak and its storied surroundings, Bulgarians from all corners of the nation gathered yesterday to pay homage to the sacrifices of their forebears on the revered national holiday of March 3. 

This year’s commemoration took on heightened significance as President Rumen Radev, along with thousands of citizens, reaffirmed their commitment to preserving the essence of Bulgarian identity and freedom.

President Radev’s impassioned address stirred the hearts of the gathered crowd, igniting waves of applause and fervent approval. 

Standing atop the historic peak, he hailed the unwavering spirit of the Bulgarian people and expressed profound gratitude for their steadfast dedication to safeguarding March 3 as a beacon of national pride.

“Today is a day to rally around our values, our ancestral commitments,” declared President Radev, his voice resonating across the mountaintop. 

“Your unwavering resolve has dispelled the political haze from Bulgaria’s past. From this magnificent peak, your messages ring clear and strong. We will honour our memory and uphold the legacy of our ancestors. Eternal memory to the heroes! Long live Bulgaria!”

However, amidst the spirit of unity and reverence, tensions arose as Speaker of the National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov, delivered his address. 


Invoking the symbolic significance of Shipka Peak as the Bulgarian Thermopylae, Zhelyazkov sought to inspire resilience in the face of contemporary challenges. Yet, his words were met with discontent, with attendees voicing chants of “Resign!” in response to his speech.

“This peak is our Bulgarian Thermopylae,” proclaimed Zhelyazkov, his voice echoing against the mountainous backdrop. 

“Today, beloved Bulgaria demands wisdom from us to overcome the present challenges and honour the sacrifices of those who ensured our survival across centuries.”

Despite the discord surrounding Zhelyazkov’s remarks, the overarching sentiment of the day remained one of unity and resilience. 


Bulgarians, standing shoulder to shoulder at the historic site, reaffirmed their commitment to preserving their ancestors’ legacy and defending their homeland’s freedom and sovereignty.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over Shipka Peak, the echoes of President Radev’s stirring words lingered in the crisp mountain air. 

With hearts full of reverence and determination, Bulgarians departed from the hallowed grounds of Shipka, carrying with them the spirit of March 3 and the enduring legacy of their nation’s struggle for freedom.

In the face of challenges past and present, the unity and resilience displayed yesterday serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Bulgarian people, ensuring that the flame of freedom ignited atop Shipka Peak will continue to burn brightly for generations to come.


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