Dryanovo Municipality supports victims and their loved ones for a quality life after a stroke

Dryanovo Municipality again stands behind stroke victims and their loved ones, joining the National Campaign "Life After Stroke" on 9.05.2023. - European Stroke Awareness Day

Dryanovo Municipality again stands behind stroke victims and their loved ones, joining the National Campaign
Dryanovo Municipality again stands behind stroke victims and their loved ones, joining the National Campaign "Life After Stroke" on 9.05.2023. - European Stroke Awareness Day (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Dryanovo Municipality again stands behind stroke victims and their loved ones, joining the National Campaign “Life After Stroke” on 9.05.2023. – European Stroke Awareness Day.

The campaign is organized by the Association for Stroke and Aphasia, with which the Municipality’s leadership has successfully partnered for the last two years, working to reduce the negative impact of stroke on Bulgarian society.


This year in Europe, the campaign is titled “Life After a Stroke”. The theme is an expression of the Continent’s efforts to make society perceive different perspectives on complex problems to ensure a quality life for stroke survivors.

The campaign is being implemented in the country with the assistance of Bulgarian municipalities. For the first time, the National Campaign will have its capital – Veliko Tarnovo. There will be a prayer for stroke victims and an exhibition, “Life After Stroke Can Be Creative”.

Although stroke has gained more attention in recent years, it needs more reliable statistical information and analysis as a starting point for effective stroke management. Regardless, some data cited by the Association for Stroke and Aphasia can be mentioned that shows 45,000 cases annually in the country in recent years.

Mortality by stroke in Bulgaria in 2021 was 12%, and only 65% of the registered cases were transported by emergency medical care. We can share the data of 100,000 people that we are behind by more than twice on average compared to other European countries.

This needs to be more work related to primary prevention. For this reason, our Municipality, together with the Association for Stroke and Aphasia, provides brochures and posters with stroke symptoms, and they are three in total:

– Hanging at the corners of the mouth;
– Numbness and weakness in one hand;
– Speech violations.

Noticing even one of these three symptoms, seeking immediate help on the phone is wise. 112, the Association for Stroke and Aphasia recalls.


The lack of qualified medical care for stroke is present in the discussions of the ailing social problems in our Municipality. Unfortunately, despite the lack of specialized units in the country, the city continues to suffer from inadequate accessible quality health care in the acute stroke phase.

In this regard, the Association for Stroke and Aphasia reminds that a National Plan for Stroke Control is working on their initiative.

In addition to the expected positive impact on negative statistics is expected from implementing measures under the Recovery Plan, which will reveal and equip ten new specialized units, purchase emergency helicopters, and a new technical computer application is currently being worked on the emergency aid that will quickly and accurately target a stroke patient.

Those above should be added to the good news related to new medical technologies and treatment methods, which help faster and more accurately treat the acute stroke stage.


So based on 2021 data. , approximately 40,000 Bulgarians begin their lives after a stroke. According to unconfirmed data, more than half a million people live with the consequences of a stroke. They face multiple daily problems – lack of adequate information, inaccessible environment, insufficient access to follow-up medical care, and sufficient volume rehabilitation and therapy.

As part of the National Life After Stroke Campaign, our Municipality reminds that it offers people with disabilities, particularly stroke survivors, rehabilitation services at the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration.

Further information can be requested from the municipal administration or disclosures from the Association for Stroke and Aphasia National Stroke Support Telephone 0700 11 404.

The leadership of the Municipality supports the growing number of Bulgarian cities supporting the cause. The Municipality take this opportunity to present a joint initiative of our Municipality and the Association for Stroke and Aphasia.

The Regional Mutual Support Group After Stroke in Social Networks launches today. Anyone suffering from a stroke, their loved ones and their carers can sign up for the Facebook group at a stroke. Bg. good job. help

The group is part of a total of 28 district administrative centres mutual support groups where questions can be asked to institutions, medical and other experts will be given voice to stroke victims to determine their most important issues for resolution; they will feel that they are not by themselves.

Dryanovo municipality will continue cooperating with the Association for Stroke and Aphasia and stand behind the cause of life after a stroke to be fulfilling, creative, and beneficial to man and society. This is a saved life that deserves to be lived to the fullest.