Andrei Nikolov: Gabrovo Region meets overall trends for development of EU regions

Deputy Regional Governor Andrei Nikolov said at a local conference on the project "Europe in Bulgaria: Common Future", held today at the National Press Club of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) in Gabrovo

Deputy Regional Governor Andrei Nikolov said at a local conference on the project
Deputy Regional Governor Andrei Nikolov said at a local conference on the project "Europe in Bulgaria: Common Future", held today at the National Press Club of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) in Gabrovo (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Deputy Regional Governor Andrei Nikolov said at a local conference on the project “Europe in Bulgaria: Common Future”, held today at the National Press Club of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) in Gabrovo.

Nikolov also recalled the ecology-related projects, stressing that two Regional Non-hazardous Waste Landfills were built in the area with new separating installations and sites for collecting and treating biodegradable fractions.


“Regional policy is the leading investment policy of the EU. It is aimed at all regions and cities and aims to support job creation, enterprise competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development and improving citizens’ quality of life. This is precisely what the cohesion is at the core.

Today, Bulgaria and, in particular, the Gabrovo region corresponds to the overall development trends of the EU regions. Evidence is that many European projects started and were completed in different directions.

Over 10 million euros have been invested in energy efficiency, with 50 multifamily residential buildings and almost 100% municipal kindergartens. The Sun DG in Gabrovo is the first passive building in Bulgaria.

With EU funds, the plumbing projects in Gabrovo and Sevlievo were also implemented, with the one in the regional city worth nearly 45 million euros. This is the most significant investment in Gabrovo municipality, realized with European financing.

85 km of plumbing network and 19.2 km of sewage were replaced. Four pump stations and two treatment plants have been reconstructed – for wastewater and drinking water. “A new pumping station and 17.6 km have been built. A new sewer network,” the deputy district governor explained.

He pointed out that a project of regional significance is being developed in the Gabrovo region in the sphere of transport – the one for the tunnel under Shipka.

The Gabrovo bypass has been completed, and the process of designing a western bypass of the city has begun. Sevlievo. New roundabouts, pedestrian zones and bike alleys were built in the four municipalities, and roads and bridges have been rehabilitated.


“It is important to emphasize that these projects result from a partnership between institutions in their preparation and implementation. An example of a good collaboration is the Dryanovo – Tryavna Local Initiative Group, which began even closer cooperation between the two municipalities in tourism, culture and project realization. “,

Nikolov also thanked the organizers, who, in a series of meetings, brought the topic of “Europe in Bulgaria” into focus.