Ivan Demerdzhiev, minister of internal affairs, said, “After the Money passed through numerous companies, it went to build something different instead of Hemus. It was being used for constructing a hotel.
He made this claim and used the inquiry into the “Hemus” motorway as an illustration. Without providing names, the minister stated that among the nine defendants for violations relating to the building of the Hemus motorway are representatives of extremely interesting companies.
Demerdzhiev added, “The territorial level is where things have improved a little. There are currently ongoing processes. You already know that the Hemus case has produced its first results: 9 people have been charged with crimes. And I encourage you to pay close attention to who these people are. Because these are not the anonymous, unknown folks you saw on television when the case began”.
He emphasized, “You’ll discover that they work with some fascinating businesses. They are respectable, serious businesses. You are well aware of the relationships these businesses have with other parties”.
Demerdzhiev recorded the increase in the number of those under investigation to nine fulfilling his commitment. Regarding the accusation made by Boyko Rashkov, his immediate predecessor, that funds intended for the Hemus motorway were instead used to construct a villa settlement.
“I’ll repeat it; let’s avoid getting into specifics. It’s more like a motel. After working with numerous corporations, they decided to build a hotel unrelated to the Hemus motorway”.
Demerdzhiev stated that the request would be looked at to see if there is a basis for forming such teams in response to the top prosecutor’s letter requesting the creation of joint units for the analysis and surveillance of six various types of crimes.