President Radev: Caretaker government sets solid foundation in two months, lowering pressure for next administration

President Radev shared his opinions about the possibilities of forming a Government after the elections conducted on October 2. He said, " just in two months, the caretaker government is succeeded in building a reliable foundation for the next regular government

President Radev shared his opinions about the possibilities of forming a Government after the elections conducted on October 2. He said,
President Radev shared his opinions about the possibilities of forming a Government after the elections conducted on October 2. He said, " just in two months, the caretaker government is succeeded in building a reliable foundation for the next regular government

President Radev shared his opinions about the possibilities of forming a Government after the elections conducted on October 2. He said, ” just in two months, the caretaker government is succeeded in building a reliable foundation for the next regular government. Our struggle and activities to solve the significant issues of the nation, such as inflation, gas crises and illegal migration, will reduce the pressure on the next government so they might take the country through winter with fewer complications”.

Radev also stated that these elections did not provide any party with the opportunity to rule by themselves or with an easy path to forming a coalition because Bulgaria requires a working parliament and a stable, regular administration; this sends a strong message to the parties that the public demands a reactive parliament, understanding, reasonable, and the discovery of shared solutions and interests.


Radev commented that the caretaker government successfully put the Greece interconnector into service after waiting for ten years. It was declared fully operational on October 1, drastically lowering gas prices.Since Kremlin’s Gazprom cut their gas supplies, Bulgaria and the entire of Europe observed rapid inflation in gas prices. In some regions, the costs increase upto 30%.

According to the President, the required infrastructure has been put in place to ensure that small and medium-sized businesses receive funding from the PVU, particularly in green transformation and technological renewal firms. He emphasized that the caretaker administration has created the necessary legal foundation to begin development and that the European subsidies for the large infrastructure projects, including the highways, key roads, and tunnels, have been assured.

In addition, the President emphasized that the EU has granted $ 1.61 billion for the maintenance of roads and infrastructure in the country. The caretaker government has formed the necessary legal framework to begin the construction. Funds will be sent to various provinces to complete their projects related to highways, main roads and tunnels.