Dimitar Hadjidimitrov from the Association of Bulgarian Traders, Producers, Importers, and Transporters of Fuels claims that the fuel cost in Bulgaria has stabilised, particularly gasoline, which is already below BGN 3 in several locations.
After the G7 nations are prepared to accept a price cap for Russian oil, fuel prices could increase again. The Institute for Economic Research observed that this summer’s cut in fuel excise charges in Germany did not result in reduced gas prices.
Hadjidimitrov added, ” “In the next three weeks, I expect to see prices between BGN 3 and BGN 3.10 in the majority of locations of the significant chains; with the state discount, we will see prices between BGN 2.80 and 2.85. Diesel fuel prices vary more widely than gasoline prices. This is a result of the expensive methane”.
In Europe, gasoline is used frequently, and its demand in the summer is significantly greater than diesel. As a result, international prices were significantly higher.
In just a couple of weeks, gasoline prices fell by nearly $300. This will eventually impact the speakers at our gas stations as well. According to statistics, last year’s diesel and gasoline use declined to 45%, and Methane usage decreased by more than 80%.
The populist measure that offered a 25% reduction per litre of fuel was of little assistance to the individual with less money. Hadjidimitrov assured that all businesses that provided the discounts would receive their money even if they owed the NRA nothing. There is no longer a threat of gas stations going bankrupt since “there is a reasonable profit threshold” that allows them to stay in business.
Hadjidimitrov pointed out, ” Over BGN 6 is the price of methane, which cannot be sold. Because the fines to the suppliers grew so large, more than 60% of the colleagues in Sofia ceased methane’s ceiling to the columns. This bubble is going to pop. Gas bottles are a solution at this time”.