3625 new COVID infections recorded in Bulgaria

As per the data shared in the Unified Information Portal, a total of 3625 new cases of the deadliest virus were recorded in Bulgaria on February 12, 2022.

Sofia, Bulgaria: As per the data shared in the Unified Information Portal, a total of 3625 new cases of the deadliest virus were recorded in Bulgaria on February 12, 2022. The healthcare facilities in total conducted 18,796, of which these positive cases were detected. The positivity rate of the same turned out to be around 19%. 

On February, forty-five (45) individuals lost their lives to SARS-CoV-2, bringing the total tally of the deaths in the country to 34,359. Among these additional death recorded, 93.33 per cent of them were the ones who did not take their jabs of the COVID-19 vaccines, the official portal’s data further notes. 


In the duration of the past 24 hours, the healthcare facilities in Bulgaria witnessed 290 9.4hospitalizations. Among these, 86.90 per cent of the newly admitted patients were the unvaccinated ones. Therefore, the total hospitalizations in Bulgaria now count for 6,224, of which 627 are ay present in the Intensive Care Unit.  

In the meantime, a total of 4,310 COVID-19 positive individuals recovered from the contagious viral disease on February 12. With these new recoveries, the overall recovery rate of the European country now stands at 741,022, according to the data shared in the portal.  

In terms of vaccination, 2,001 additional doses of the WHO-approved COVID-19 vaccines were administered in Bulgaria on February 12, taking the toll of administered doses to 4,244,454 since the pandemic’s beginning.  

So far, there are a total of 2,026,063 individuals in Bulgaria who are fully vaccinated by taking their required number of the COVID-19 vaccine jabs. This number counts for around 29.3% of the total Bulgarian population.  

On the other hand, there are a total of 654,357 persons in Bulgaria who are fully immunized against the virus and has also taken their booster shots. This statics counts for about 9.4% of the population.